Category Archives: Personal

The “7th Month’s Ritual”

The "7th Month's Ritual"

The "7th Month's Ritual"

The "7th Month's Ritual"

The "7th Month's Ritual"

In this ritual we invite the orphants to say prayers for the sake of the new unborn child and hope that this child will be delivered in good condition as well as his/her mother.

Before the ritual, at noon the mother and the unborn child will have a routine medical check.

An then, in the afternoon, the ritual begin with saying prayers. After saying some prayers, the ritual closed with sharing some “sembako” to orphants. And the ritual ends.

We also give-away “berkah” or blessings to all neighbours and families. It contains “nasi kuning”, fried chicken, sliced fried egg, tempe, peanut, perkedel, sambal goreng ati, etc.

The “7th month’s ritual” is common among Java traditions.

Sincerely, Dewono Siswardiyanto